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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome to the Jungle!

Well, another year has almost come to an end so that means one thing...Open House! Last year I shared pictures of my insect filled room...and shared that I LOVE Open House. It's true. I do. Love it!

This year our 2nd grade team decided to change it up...and we went WILD! Thanks to my dear friend, Pinterest, we were able to transform our rooms into the tropical rain forest. Enjoy!

What is cuter than a troop of monkeys hanging from the ceiling? I'd say sloths...I love them!

Safari Kids...with writing inspired by Dr. Seuss's "If I Ran the Rain Forest..."

Fractions, and bar graphs, and fun...oh my! My students created their own tropical bird using fractions. Then they graphed the number of fractions that they used and analyzed their graph...who says math is for the birds?

Bananas About Multiplication...students created their own multiplication problem...then they brought it to life with their banana tree!

Rain Forest Alphabet...rain forest creatures A-Z...anteater to, not the masked hero...the fox-like rain forest animal!

Do you know how many layers are in the rain forest? Room 9 does!

You can't have a rain forest without the red-eyed tree frog!

I put a little display together of different items that come from the rain forest: the chemical in insect repellant, cocoa, coffee, coconut oil, tapioca, vanilla, cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, grapefruit, lemons, limes, pineapples, bananas, papayas, mangoes, coconuts, spices, and so much more!

Of course, the highlight...the students animal creations!

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