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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Operation Nursery: The Chair

So, I am one that is always up for a challenge...but I have to say, this project almost did me in! Some good friends of ours so kindly gave us their rocker/glider/chair that they were no longer using. They used it for both of their little ones and were no longer needing it and since we didn't have one we were beyond excited to have it. Chad went over, picked it up and brought it on home.
It was in great shape but it was a different wood color then the rest of the furniture in Landry's room. So, I had a decision to I sand and re-stain...or should I say, sand and beg someone else to re-stain it...or could I upholster it? Hmmmm....decisions, decisions!
Well, being the over achiever that I am...and the thought of sanding all of the little spindles didn't sound like fun...I decided to upholster it. Now, you may ask yourself, "Does Kristin know how to upholster furniture?" Nope, not at all...never in my life have I even attempted it...that should have been a sign!
Off to JoAnn's I went to get batting and the softest, coziest, chenille fabric...perfect for my little one's chair. Now, I had read on several other women's blogs how they had re-covered furniture I did have a little bit of info...very little. Very eager to start my project, I grabbed my handy dandy staple gun and started stapling batting on any piece of wood I could find. Here is what it looked like after the batting was on...

Yes, I did just add batting right on over the existing cushion...didn't remove it or Chad would say, "That's the way I roll!"
Next came the fun part of actually attaching the fabric. All of my math teachers should be very proud because there was a lot of math and geometry skill that went into this...not anything like formal equations...more like a lot of trial and error with angles and such. After everything was said and done, I added some navy blue trim to cover the staples...yup I just stapled the fabric on...oh, and used a "bit" of hot glue as is the final project:
All in all I think it turned out pretty good. I just need to make some pillows for a touch of color and it is ready to go! Don't get me wrong...I am NEVER going to give up teaching to do furniture upholstery...but when you figure the fabric and batting only cost about $40...I don't think it is too shabby!

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