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Sunday, June 23, 2013

CBA: Day 2: Christmas Tree!

Today was day 2 of the Christmas Book Advent. Landry woke up and remembered the elf from last night! He also remembered his bucket of books and wanted to open one.

Today's book...

During his nap I decorated the house and set-up the Christmas tree. When he woke up I told him I had a surprise for him in the living room. He ran out and said, " a Chismas tee, Mommy!" Since the story of the day was about a Christmas tree...what better way to connect the story than to decorate the tree?!?

Here's my eager helper!

I showed him how to hold the hook and hang it on a branch...he caught on quickly and couldn't get enough ornaments!

The type A, OCD me really wanted to tell him where to put his ornaments...but fortunately the mommy in me kicked in, sat back, and watched him put all of his ornaments wherever he wanted! He has his own method...the method of "how many ornaments can I get on one branch?" :)

He even hung ornaments on ornaments!

When we were all done he wanted to read the book again!

He turned each page telling us what was happening...

and pointing out his favorite parts. :)

When he was drinking his milk and getting ready for bed he told me, "Mommy, dat Chismas tee is pitty. We get more nornaments tomorrow. We has to go to Tarbucks and get more." When I asked him why we needed to get more ornaments his answer was, "Because I yike dem...cause we need more!" Boy oh are a child after my own heart! :)

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